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  • How does the xCruze differ from S-TEC or Navaid?
    The dynamic performance of the entire line of xCruze autopilots is superior to that of any turn coordinator-based system. As a result of digital design, xCruze autopilots can be easily configured in flight. This means that critical performance parameters such as servo torque and response can be easily optimized in flight. xCruze autopilots can fly a wide range of aircraft from the Lancair IV Turbine to the Kitfox. xCruze autopilots fly very well in turbulence, and it is not necessary to turn off in any amount of turbulence. Also, xCruze autopilots come with a built in slaved DG and associated direction selector.
  • Which aircraft have installation manuals/mounting brackets?
    Currently we have installation manuals and brackets for all of the Van’s aircraft, Harmon Rocket/ F1 Rocket, Glasair aircraft, Glastar, all Lancair aircraft, Seawind, L-39, Sport Star, CT, Thorpedo, Zodiac, and the Express. If you do not have one of these aircraft, we do provide a standard mounting bracket along with a push-rod or capstan. We are also continually designing new installations for aircraft not listed, if you do not see your aircraft, please contact us as we may have designed an installation for your aircraft.
  • What if my aircraft is not listed?
    We make a variety of hardware and will work with our customers to provide the necessary installation hardware.
  • How hard is it to install the autopilot?
    Installations are very simple in most aircraft. We have installation manuals for the more popular aircraft. We are continuously working to add new aircraft to our list. All autopilots are shipped with connectors. If a harness is desired, SteinAir is the factory authorized harness manufacturer. Please contact them toll free at: 877-282-8996, or visit their website at
  • Can I couple the autopilot to a hand-held GPS?
    Coupling the autopilot to a hand-held GPS’s interface RS-232 must be either NMEA 0183 (GPRMC and GPRMB sentence in the data string) or Aviation format. The desired update rate is every second, but the system will function at an update rate as slow as every other second. Most new handheld units have fast update rates and reliable output, and will couple with an xCruze autopilot very well.
  • What if I don't have GPS?
    While our autopilots are capable of operation in bank angle mode without a GPS signal, it is highly recommended to couple to a GPS. Our autopilots are able to accept signals from a wide range of both current and legacy panel mounted and handheld GPS receivers.
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